Camel RacePick Up: Sea cruise or Hotel or Your residency in Dubai 



During this special tour in Dubai you will learn all about the importance of camels in the local life. First our local guide will accompany you to a camel race, which has the same popularity as horse races in the UAE. The races are highly donated and usually also the Sheiks have their own camels in the race. Nowadays camels are ridden by robots, because since 3 years the child jockeys, who used to ride the camels before, are banned from UAE. The camel owner can navigate these robots through a remote control and they follow their camels by car along the race track. This entire bustling atmosphere you can observe during this tour.Afterwards we will visit a camel farm, where camels are breeded either for racing, beauty contests (!) or just as ordinary camels to provide milk. You will have the possibility to learn all about the breeding of camels and the owner or one of his manager will be on site in order to ask questions. Later some camel milk will be offered to you for tasting.

Tour Details:

Date:  From November till March

Time: Only on Fridays according to racing times, either early in the morning or late afternoon. Timing will be confirmed on Thursday.

Note:  Please note that Camel races are still a male domain. Female visitors are welcome, but should wear conservative cloth (long sleeves and trousers).