Ephesus & House of Virgin MaryThis is an opportunity to see the magnificent ruins of one of the best preserved Greek/Roman cities in Asia Minor, Ephesus, and also experience other historical and natural values around it. This is an opportunity to see the magnificent ruins of Ephesus – one of the best preserved Greek/Roman cities in Asia Minor, and also experience other historical and natural values around it. Your first stop is at the House of Virgin Mary, declared a place of pilgrimage in 1892, and has since been visited by many Christian pilgrims. Next, continue to Ephesus. Built in the 3rd century B.C., this is one of the most interesting and extensive ancient cities in the world and the center of attraction in the Aegean region. The remains from the Roman period are a grand amphitheater, the Library of Celsus, the Temple of Hadrian, the Scholastic Baths, the Odeon, the Lower Agora, and the State Agora. After lunch, you’ll visit a local handicraft center designed as a typical Turkish village to see how the famous Turkish carpets are made. Note: Expect crowded venues and long lines. There is approximately 1 3/4 miles of walking over uneven and cobblestone surfaces with inclines and steps. During summer months, expect crowded venues and long lines as well as temperatures that can reach extreme highs. We recommend that you drink a lot of water, use suitable sun protection and dress in layers. Guests who are planning to visit religious sites during free time or on tour, please dress appropriately; no bare shoulders or shorts are allowed.
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