Medieval Cairo with Felucca ride & PyramidsStep back in time and experience the ambience of Cairo from six centuries ago. Your first stop will be at the exotic and colorful Khan El Khalili Bazaar. A shopper’s paradise and a photographer’s dream come true where bargaining is an art and expected when you are negotiating a purchase. Gold, silver and gems, bronze and copper, the smell of exotic spices, leather goods, the aroma of brewed coffee sifting through elaborately carved wooden doors and coffee shops, the captivating sound of music and a plethora of an unbelievable display of merchandise together with a multitude of colorfully dressed crowds bring to life scenes from “A Thousand and one Arabian nights.” Continue to the Gayer Anderson Museum, two houses built in the 16th and 17th centuries reflecting the early Ottoman style of architecture. Fully restored and refurnished by Gayer Anderson, a British army officer who made his home in Egypt, the museum includes his mementos as well. Your next stop will be at Ibn Touloun mosque. Completed in 878AD by the founder of the Toulounid dynasty Al Amir Ahmed Ibn Touloun, it is one of the largest mosques built in Islamic Cairo. It’s open central courtyard measures 92×91 meters and is surrounded by an open corridor. The mosque is known for its rich collection of gypsum ornaments and engravings. The outside staircase of its minaret winding its way from the ground to the top of the minaret makes it unique in Egypt. After , drive to the Plateau of Giza where the only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World, The Great Pyramids of Giza is found. A panoramic view from the Western Plateau will give you an opportunity for photographs before your coach stops at the base of Chephren’s Pyramid and time will be allocated to explore the site on your own. Continue down the valley to visit the Sphinx, guardian of this mortuary complex then visit a Papyrus Institute where a demonstration will introduce you to the art of paper making from reeds, first discovered by the Ancient Egyptians. There will be some free time for souvenir shopping in the adjacent gift shop before the approximate 2.5-hour return drive to Alexandria.

Note: There are approximately 20 marble steps required to climb down in order to reach sailing vessel where Felucca is found. Comfortable walking shoes, hat and sunscreen are recommended. Conservative attire (no tank tops or shorts) that covers both the shoulders and knees is suggested for this tour. Due to the nature of this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs. There are no fees for camera and video. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 45 minutes of shopping and browsing throughout the tour. Tour order may vary between groups but all mentioned sites will be covered.

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