Pyramids, Sakkara & MemphisCAIRO , PYRAMIDS & TOMBS EXCURSION
Depart Alexandria aboard your Vehicle for the 2.5-hour drive towards Africa’s largest city, Cairo. Upon reaching the outskirts of Cairo, travel southwards to Egypt’s first capital, Memphis. Explore the ruins of the Temple of Ptah and see the fallen colossal statue of King Ramses the second and the Alabaster Sphinx of King Amenhopis the second. A short drive from Memphis is the oldest, ancient cemetery of Sakkara. View the world’s first monumental stone building, the Step Pyramid of King Zoser, built by the famous engineer Imhotep. After visiting the complex continue to one of the Mastabas(funeral chambers) built nearby, for an inside visit.
Proceeding to the Giza Plateau to discover the only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World, the Pyramids of Giza. Stop at the Western Plateau for a unique view of the three Pyramids, which affords great photographic opportunities. Continue to the Pyramid of Chephren for some free time to enjoy the pyramids on your own. Next, travel down the valley to visit the guardian of the mortuary complex, the mysterious Sphinx. Finally, a stop will be at the Papyrus Institute to see demonstrations on how the ancient Egyptians made paper from reeds from the Nile. Spend some free time for souvenir shopping in the adjacent gift shop before the return drive to Alexandria.
Note: Comfortable walking shoes, hat and sunscreen are recommended. Conservative attire (no tank tops or shorts) is suggested for this tour. Flash camera photos are not permitted inside the Mastabas. No camera or video fees at all sites. Due to the nature of this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 45 minutes of shopping and browsing throughout the tour. The drive to/from Cairo is approximately 2.5 hours each way, dependent upon traffic and local conditions. Tour order may vary between groups but all mentioned sites will be covered.

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